SLES X86 2S VirtUnlim PriSub+LnvoSup 3 Year (7S0G0005WW)

SLES X86 2S VirtUnlim PriSub+LnvoSup 3 Year (7S0G0005WW)

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Base Price:€5.718,90
Referentie: 7S0G0005WW

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Compete more effectively though improved uptime,better efficiency,and accelerated innovation using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server,a versatile server operating system for efficiently deploying highly available enterprise-class IT services in mixed IT environments with best-of-breed performance and reduced risk.


Operating System SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for x86
Product Type Priority Subscription - 3 years
Bundled Support Lenovo Support
Licence Type 2 sockets,unlimited virtualization
Service &Support
Type New releases update - 3 years
Phone consulting - 3 years - response time:1 hour - availability:24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday - severity level 1
Phone consulting - 3 years - response time:2 hours - availability:24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday - severity level 2
Phone consulting - 3 years - response time:4 hours - availability:24 hours a day / Monday-Sunday - severity level 3
Phone consulting - 3 years - response time:next business day - severity level 4
Web support - 3 years